Based on the results of the 6th meeting of the Working Group on Improving the Organizational Structure and Legal Framework of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS), held virtually on 27-28 January 2022, International consultants of the World Bank with the participation of the Executive Committee of IFAS proposed to conduct additional bilateral online consultations from 4 to 15 April 2022.
The purpose of these online consultations was to discuss the compliance or non-compliance of the main goal, tasks, and subtasks agreed upon during the first stage of improving the organizational structure and legal framework of IFAS with the existing mandate of IFAS substructures and to identify areas for improving institutional mechanisms
On 15 April 2022, the final online consultation meeting was held with the participation of the Executive Committee of IFAS and its structural divisions.
It was noted that based on the results of the bilateral online consultations, by the end of April of the current year, the World Bank will finalize the report on the second stage of improving the organizational structure and legal framework of IFAS “Identification of problems in the implementation of functions and tasks by structural divisions of IFAS” and submit it to the Executive Committee of IFAS.
Improving the organizational structure and legal framework of IFAS is carried out in order to fulfill the instructions of the Heads of States – IFAS members, as well as the relevant decisions of the IFAS Board.