The Action Program to Assist the Countries of the Aral Sea Basin (ASBP-4) has four directions of implementation, including the integrated use of water resources; ecological; Socio-economic development and improvement of institutional and legal mechanisms.
Integrated use of water resources is the first direction of ASBP-4. In particular, this direction increases the demand for water resources of the supply system of high population growth and climate-related problems.
The general goal of the ecological direction is to protect the environment for the ecological activity of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, including the proper quality of water in rivers, reservoirs and underground sources of the Aral Sea basin, through the preparation and implementation of regional projects. Goal 13 “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts”; Goal 14 Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development; Goal 15 “Protect and restore terrestrial ecosystems and promote their sustainable use, sustainable forest management, combat desertification, halt and reverse the degradation and halt processes of biodiversity loss”.
The socio-economic direction of ASBP-4 is aimed at the use of water resources for the sustainable development of the states of the Aral Sea basin, as well as at ensuring the implementation of SDG goal 6: “Ensuring the use and rational use of water resources and sanitation for all” and other SDG goals in all countries of the basin The Aral Sea.
Improving institutional mechanisms is the fourth goal of the ASBP-4 and is aimed at implementing regional projects to improve the institutional mechanisms and the legal framework of IFAS to ensure the integrated use and protection of water resources.