On 25 April 2023, the Expedition for young professionals and scientists from Central Asian countries started. The expedition began its work with a visit to the museum and the cemetery of ships in Muynak, the Republic of Uzbekistan and will end with a visit to the river flows in the high mountains of the Republic of Tajikistan.
The expedition’s results will be presented at a round table in the capital of Tajikistan – Dushanbe.This Expedition is organized by the Executive Committee of IFAS with the support of the USAID regional program on water resources and the environment, based on the decision of the IFAS Board of 28 November 2022, in order to promote regional cooperation by familiarizing young scientists and specialists in Central Asia with the environmental, social and water management situation, and as well as the consequences of the negative impact of the drying up of the Aral Sea and climate change in the region.The expedition is aimed at familiarizing and acquiring information, as well as new knowledge about the activities of water management structures and the operation of facilities.
The expedition is attended by young scientists and specialists in the water, energy, and environmental sectors of Central Asian countries, representatives of the IFAS Executive Committee, as well as photographers and journalists who, thanks to the materials received, will create an interesting media product.The expedition will last 12 days, during which the participants will visit gauging stations, canals, reservoirs, pumping stations and other water bodies located on the territory of three countries of the Amu Darya basin (the Republic of Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and the Republic of Tajikistan).
It is important to note that this expedition provides an opportunity for young scientists and specialists to get to know the ongoing activities aimed at ensuring the rational and efficient use of water resources.It is worth mentioning that this is the second expedition organized by the Executive Committee of IFAS during the chairmanship of the Republic of Tajikistan. The first expedition was organized in 2022 along the Syrdarya River basin with the support of the USAID WAVE regional program.