On 26 of April 2022, in Turkestan, Republic of Kazakhstan, the anniversary Central Asian Conference on the theme “30 years of water cooperation between the states of Central Asia: confidently looking into the future” dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the activity of the Interstate Coordinating Water Commission of Central Asia (ICWC) began its work.
The conference will last two days, within which the 82nd meeting of the ICWC will also be held.
The purpose of these anniversary events is to summarize the results of the 30-year activity of the ICWC on water resources management, support and development of interstate cooperation in Central Asia, popularization of the ICWC as a regional mechanism for cooperation on the problems of regulation, rational use and protection of water resources of interstate sources, development of future tasks aimed at for the implementation of joint programs based on mutual respect of interests, as well as the demonstration of advanced knowledge, best practices and achievements, innovative methods in the field of sustainable water resources management.
The events are attended by official delegations of the countries of Central Asia – Vice Minister of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kozhaniyazov S.S., First Deputy Minister of Energy and Water Resources of the Republic of Tajikistan Shoimzoda J.Sh., Chairman of the Water Resources Committee of Turkmenistan Baydzhanov G. N., Minister of Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan Khamraev Sh.R., Director of the Water Resources Service of the Kyrgyz Republic Sokeyev A.T., structural subdivisions of IFAS, ICWC and other interested parties.
At the opening ceremony of the conference a congratulatory speech was made by the Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee of IFAS, Mr. Husniddin Sharofiddinov.
Husniddin Sharofiddinov noted that IFAS and its Commissions, especially ICWC, are practically the only platform where the countries of Central Asia have the opportunity to discuss issues related to water, integrated water resources management and water allocation and make appropriate decisions on these issues, taking into account the interests of each country.
It was mentioned by Mr. Sharofiddinov that the interaction and support of all countries of the region is important in order to strengthen and further develop cooperation, since interstate watercourses and ecology do not know and do not recognize political borders.