Executive Committee of the International Fund
for saving the Aral Sea

Participation of the Chairman of EC IFAS at the Regional Preparatory Meeting for the UN Conference on Mid-Term Review in the framework of the Singapore International Water Week

On 25 of June 2021, Chairman of the IFAS Executive Committee,  Mr. Sulton Rahimzoda participated as a panelist at the Regional Preparatory Event for the UN Conference on the Mid-Term Review of the implementation  of the International Decade of Action within the framework of the Singapore International Water Week 2021 (SIWW 2021). The co-organizers of this event were the Republic of Tajikistan and Singapore.

The event was held on the theme “Implementation of SDG 6 and the International Water Decade: Partnership to Build Water Resilience”.

The event was also attended by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, H.E. Mr. Sirojiddin Muhriddin, Minister of Sustainable Development and Environment of Singapore, H.E. Ms. Grace Fu, representatives of governments, the private sector and international organizations. A Summary of Discussions of the Meeting will serve as the region’s input to the Dushanbe Water Decade Conference to be held in June 2022 and the UN Mid-Term Review Conference in March 2023 in New York.